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financial benefits
Financial Benefits

Safed set-up times of 15 minutes per field

Financial Benefits

With an estimated average size of 4 ha per field and an application of 25 m³/ha, you can spread additional 200 m³ per day.

Financial Benefits

At a rate of 3 €/m³ and 30 days of operation, you can save up to 18.000 € per year.

agriculture benefits
Agricultural Benefits

The light machine weight on the field enables the slurry application at the optimal time.

Agricultural Benefits

The reduces extremely the soil compaction.

Agricultural Benefits

In result the plants can grow better and you get a higher yield.

environmental benefits
environmental benefits

The light machine weight on the field enables the slurry application at the optimal time.

environmental benefits

The optimal application time is orientated at the plants needs so that the nutrients are used at their maximum.

environmental benefits

That leads to less leaching of nutrients into the ground water or emissions in the air.