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Hubertus Kleuter is the owner and chief operating officer of the company KleuTec, which he founded in early 2020. “I grew up with practical experiences in agricultural. Our family farm comprises pigs as well as a biogas-plant in the region of Münster, Germany. Therefore, I learned at an early age the handling of organic fertilizer. My professional education was always in the field of agriculture and at the same time highly linked to farm fertilizers. After high school I did the following educational steps:

  • Registered agriculturist
  • B. Sc. in Agri- and Hortibuisiness at the Hochschule Osnabrück; Bachelor thesis together with the company Kotte GmbH in Rieste
  • M. Sc. in agricultural engineering at the TU Hohenheim; Master thesis about the treatment of manure with supplements.

Hubertus Kleuter

For the machines like the Rowdy 640 I focus on reliable components from different suppliers. This includes for example the Doda-pump or BPW-axles. This provides a high application security. In addition, I was able to establish a cooperation with an agricultural engineering company in the Münster region, who will perform the construction of the machine. Their high expertise will support a trustful manure hose piping system.

The company is based on the edge of the Lüneburger Heath, in the middle of Bremen and Hamburg. However, the machineries are build and the Münster region.